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Angelite Pendulum from Pendulums

Angelite Pendulum

A gentle and charismatic Angelite pendulum.


Angelite is the name given to Blue Anhydrite, a calcium based mineral. It is associated with a level of serenity in which state the mind and awareness are expanded to gain inspiration for creative self-expression, or for angelic communication.

Key Healing Properties: strengthens joints and bones

A stone of tranquility, Angelite teaches us to remain calm and with dignity intact during insecure times. Be the peacemaker - don't join in the gossip and back stabbing that others do to maintain their position. And if you feel the victim of gossip, take an angel's viewpoint and choose integrity not nitty gritty.

Healing Properties

Find out more:
Using a Pendulum

Dimensions: 39x21x19mm
Weight: 19g (to the nearest gram)

Price: £14.00 $18.20

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.