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Amber Resin Crystal Skull from Crystal Skulls

Amber Resin Crystal Skull

Created from a synthetic Amber resin, this light catching crystal skull has warmth and beauty.


The rich yellow and orange tones and warm texture of amber has appealed to people for centuries. Fluid nodules of amber formed as fossilised resin from pines trees of the ancient landscape that emerged from the soil into rivers and were washed downstream to found along the coastline. It is associated with improved nerve and brain function, aiding clarity of mind, memory and a calm outlook.

Key Healing Properties: supports immune system; boosts vitality and energy; draws out infection.

I have written a meditation for Amber that connects you to the element of Earth, which you can find in our Crystal Meditations section.

Healing Properties

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Find out more:

Dimensions: 52x36x38mm
Weight: 46g (to the nearest gram)

Price: £22.00 $28.60

Quantity: One of a kind


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