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Malachite Crystal Skull from Crystal Skulls

Malachite Crystal Skull

A Malachite crystal skull with beautiful, natural pattern.


Malachite is formed from the effect of air and water on copper ore, oxidising it and producing the creative spark for growth of swathes of deep rich green crystalline bands.

Key Healing Properties: Malachite's key use is clearing, be it relief from pain, emotional imbalance or a path to transformation. As the dust is toxic, use malachite in a polished form for healing work.

The essence of Malachite is overcoming cramping pains - whether these are menstrual, during labour or in the need to let go of something in order to move on. That's why Malachite is a stone of transformation - it helps in the transition through a mini or major death/rebirth in life.

I have written a meditation for Malachite, which you can find in our Crystal Meditations section.

Healing Properties

Find out more:

Dimensions: 39x34x26mm
Weight: 70g (to the nearest gram)

Price: £24.00 $31.20

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.