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Gypsum Diamond from Crystals from the UK & Ireland

Gypsum Diamond

A diamond shaped, natural crystal of Gypsum.

Gypsum has a variety of forms, including crystals when it is known as Selenite, in masses when it is Alabaster and used in the process of making plaster. We stock the tabular Gypsum crystals, known as the 'Lucky Stone', and attributed with the property of eliminating stagnation, moulding the character toward improvement and sustaining oneself when it feels life is happening to fast.

Healing Properties

Find out more:

Dimensions: 120x53x24mm
Weight: 115g (to the nearest gram)

Price: £12.00 $15.60

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.