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Howlite Crystal Skull from Crystal Skulls

Howlite Crystal Skull

A natural white Howlite crystal skull.


Howlite was discovered in Nova Scotia by Henry How - and named after him.  It's natural colouring is off-white with fine black streaks, but it is often used as a 'naughty but nice' form, when coloured.

Key Healing Properties: Howlite is used as a stone of reassurance and of protection, especially for the home, and for strengthening teeth and bones.

Healing Properties

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Dimensions: 47x34x37mm
Weight: 102g (to the nearest gram)

Price: £20.00 $26.00

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.