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Cornish Harlequin Quartz from Cornish Crystals & Minerals

Cornish Harlequin Quartz

A lovely cluster of Harlequin Quartz points with the distinctive red tones from the presence of Hematite.

Harlequin Quartz

Harlequin Quartz is Clear Quartz with dots and dashes of bright red Hematite inclusions.

Key Healing Properties: Harlequin Quartz integrates the heart and mind in grounded energy.  It is used to ease anxiety, depression where there is a need to kick start the will to recover or overcome the matter.

Healing Properties

Find out more:

Dimensions: 41x30x25mm
Weight: 28g (to the nearest gram)
Origin: St Austell, Cornwall

Price: £12.00 $15.60

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.